Sundry Payment Login

To pay for 'Usage of Hall/Lecture Hall/Facilities';

if you have used the form below before

You are to login with your Phone Number

  1. Fill in the form below if you are a first timer, or click on the login link if you have previously filled in your details. Then click on 'Proceed'
  2. On the page displayed, click on 'Continue the payment process'
  3. On the next page, click on 'New Transaction(Others)' to access the payment page.
  4. On the payment page, use the 'Payment Type' field, click on the dropdown menu against the field and find your payment for 'Usage of Classroom/Facilities', annually, monthly or semi-annually, then click on 'Continue'.
  5. On the payment confirmation page displayed, double-check the details on the page and click on 'Pay' to verify that they are correct.
  6. On the interswitch page displayed, select your card type, fill in your card details and click on 'Pay' to complete the payment procedd.
  7. On the payment success page displayed, click on 'print receipt' to print your payment receipt.